Food and wine

Enjoy our «pairing experience», food and wine in Rioja. In our medieval cellar, one of the oldest wineries in Rioja. An experience where magic and legend match in a perfect way with our wines and tapas.

Pairing is art. Combining wine is not easy. Not every wine goes with anything; not only whites for fish or red with meat. A meal can be a disaster if the selection of wine is not good.

In our pairing experience you will taste 4 wines and 4 different products that we have selected carafully. Wines from Rioja, food from Rioja… means success. A funny event that will teach you how to become the perfect host.

Characteristics of food and wine in Rioja

When: on demand

Taste: 4 wines and 4 tapas

Duration: 1h 50min

Price: 50€ por persona

To book your experience, please fill the form or contact us!

Solicitud de reserva

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